Luke Gregory

Luke Gregory

Luke Gregory is wise beyond his years. Perhaps it’s because he’s a cancer survivor, or maybe he’s just an “old soul.” In any case, the 18-year-old runner and student from Glenview, Illinois, is already a veteran and beneficiary of the 80/20 Endurance training system. Most recently, Luke used an 80/20 plan to smash his half-marathon PB by 13 minutes, clocking 1:26:41.

If you’ve ever filled out the questionnaire we use to collect the information we use in our athlete spotlights, you know that the last question invites the athlete to share a bit of advice with fellow members of the 80/20 community. Wise young man that he is, Luke delivered the best answer to this one that we’ve seen yet: “Don’t worry if you miss your targets for one workout, the pattern is what matters.” Is he talking about endurance training our life? Yes.