German de la Rosa

German de la Rosa

Some athletes are modest to a fault. Take German de la Rosa, for example. Last month, the 42-year-old 80/20 Endurance Ambassador from Mexico City finished 1st in his age group and 7th overall in a virtual Ironman 70.3 with a time of 4:30:48. But when he filled out his Athlete Spotlight questionnaire a couple of weeks later, German didn’t even mention his accomplishment. So, we’re telling you now!

The journey started when German joined the military, an experience that revealed a previously latent knack for running. When he reached his mid-30s, German expanded his fitness repertoire to include cycling and swimming, and before he knew it he was competing in triathlons. Like any newbie, he improved steadily at first, but when he hit a plateau, German went searching for a better way to train, which led him to us. And the rest, as they say, is history.

“I improved in all three disciplines,” he says. “My running pace and cycling power increased and my heart rate stayed the same and even went down a bit. I didn’t feel beat-up after workouts. I thought that was normal, but it turns out you don’t have to kill yourself training to see improvement.”

To keep abreast of German’s future exploits (which, for the most part, he’s not shy about sharing publicly), follow him on Instagram.