80/20 Endurance Books

On Pace

Every runner knows pacing is critical. It can be the difference between a PR and a DNF. In On Pace, acclaimed running coach and author Matt Fitzgerald reveals how conventional training and device overdependence keep runners from accessing the full power of pacing.


With a mix of fascinating science and compelling stories from every corner of the sport, Fitzgerald shows that pacing is the art of finding your limit--running at a pace to finish the workout or cross the finish line completely out of gas. This quintessential running skill unlocks hidden potential and transforms your experience of the sport, enabling runners of all experience and ability levels to "run free."


Training plans for 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon events will hone your pacing skill through improved body awareness, judgment, and toughness. Choose from four plans, novice to expert, for each distance. On Pace equips you mentally and physically to become a better runner, capable of knowing and executing your best effort on any given day.

80/20 Running

In his bestselling book 80/20 Running, Matt Fitzgerald makes the case for slowing down to get faster and shows runners how to break out of the “moderate-intensity rut.” These principles are now embedded in a selection of online 80/20 Run and Triathlon plans on this site for athletes of all levels, beginner to elite.


This revolutionary training method has been embraced by elite runners—with extraordinary results—and now you can do it, too. Respected running and fitness expert Matt Fitzgerald explains how the 80/20 running program—in which you do 80 percent of runs at a lower intensity and just 20 percent at a higher intensity—is the best change runners of all abilities can make to improve their performance. With a thorough examination of the science and research behind this training method, 80/20 Running is a hands-on guide for runners of all levels with training programs for 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon distances.

80/20 Triathlon

The followup to 80/20 Running80/20 Triathlon is the breakthrough program for triathletes–beginner, intermediate, and advanced–showing how to balance training intensity to maximize performance. The same plans offered in 80/20 Triathlon are available in electronic format on this site.


A breakthrough program for triathletes–beginner, intermediate, and advanced–showing how to balance training intensity to maximize performance–from fitness expert Matt Fitzgerald and elite coach David Warden. Cutting-edge research has proven that triathletes and other endurance athletes experience their greatest performance when they do 80 percent of their training at low intensity and the remaining 20 percent at moderate to high intensity. 80/20 Triathlon lays out the real-world and scientific evidence, offering concrete tips and strategies, along with complete training plans for every distance–Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman, and Ironman–to help athletes implement the 80/20 rule of intensity balance.motivation, and better race results.